A couple weeks ago, just before Thanksgiving, when Indy was in Alabama spending a few days with Heidi, they put together an early Christmas present and sent it to me. It’s a song I’ve heard a million times, but not like this…
Heidi’s husband Dillon is an amazingly talented musician. He’s not only a boy-genius on guitar, he’s also a tremendous programmer and producer. And so, without my knowing, he had Indy come into his studio (their den) and sing something for him. For me.
Jingle Bells.
Luckily Heidi was listening in the kitchen just around the corner, and snuck around with her phone to capture a few seconds of them together recording.
It came to me in a text with a picture that just said “an early Christmas present from all of us” ...and it was. One of my favorite Christmas gifts I’ve ever, or probably will ever, receive.
Thank you kids. I love it so, so much.